Manuscript guideline
An article should be thoroughly edited and contain attributes of a scientific publication.
Microsoft Word text editor at least 2003 version;
Paper size A4.
Page setup: margins – upper, lower and left 2.5 cm, right 2 cm, upper headline 2 cm, lower headline 2 cm.
Main text of an article: “Times New Roman” 12 pt; justified alignment; the first line with a paragraph indent of 0.8 cm; line space 1.15; automatic hyphenation. The manuscript should be up to 1 p. (40,000 characters, including spaces).
The first page should contain UDC index (in the upper left corner; “Times New Roman” type 14 pt; single space); initials and surnames of the authors, principle place of employment, article title, article abstract and key words in Russian. Initials and surnames of the authors, principle place of employment, article title, article abstract and key words in Englishе are placed at the publication end after references.
The list of authors is separated by commas, initials before surnames (type “Times New Roman” 12 pt, semi-bold; left alignment, left paragraph indent 0,8 cm; automatic hyphenation is not used; spacing before a paragraph 20 pt, after it 0 pt, single line space).
The principle place of employment is typed with lower-case letters (type “Times New Roman” 12 pt, italics; left alignment, left paragraph indent 0,8 cm; automatic hyphenation is not used; spacing before a paragraph 0 pt, after it 8 pt, single line space).
Article title is typed with lower-case letters (type “Times New Roman” 15 pt; semi-bold; left alignment; automatic hyphenation is not used; spacing before a paragraph 12 pt, after it – 12 pt; single space).
An abstract should contain 9-10 lines characterizing the article content (type “Times New Roman” 9 pt, italics; justified aligned; indents: left and right 0.8 cm; spacing before a paragraph 6 pt, after it 0 pt, single line space).
Key words consist of 3–10 words and word combinations that reflect the article content separated by commas, there is no full stop at the end of their enumeration; type “Times New Roman” 10 pt, semi-bold; left aligned; automatic hyphenation is not used; spacing before a paragraph 12 pt, after it 12 pt; single line space).
Further goes the article text.
The references go after the main text and include the following:
- Ø heading ”References” is typed by lower-case letters (type “Times New Roman” 12 pt, bold; center alignment; spacing: before a paragraph 12 pt, after it 8 pt; single line space);
- Ø bibliographic source entry with the reference serial number to it in the text starting from the first one in accordance with the State Standard3–2003. Document bibliographic entry (separate paragraph; type “Times New Roman” 10 pt; first line with a paragraph indention of 0.8 cm; justified alignment; single line space).
Paginal footnotes. The numbering of footnotes is continuous within the frames of a page (type “Times New Roman” 10 pt, standard; justified alignment; single line space).
To create formulas use MathType editor with the following editor settings. Sizes: “full” 12 pt, “sub-index” 10 pt, “sub-subindex” 8 pt, “symbol” 16 pt, “sub-symbol” 14 pt; Styles: text, function, number – type “Times New Roman”, matrix vector – type “Times New Roman”, semi-bold; Greek small letter, Greek capital letter, symbol – type “Symbol”, Roman script; variables – type “Times New Roman”, italics.
When typing formulas without using formula editor indexes are typed in 10 pt with a character spacing of 3 pt upward or downward (Main → Font → Advanced → Character spacing) depending on superscript or subscript index. Please, do not use Font → Effects → superscript/subscript. If a formula has both superscript and subscript symbols, it is created using only MathType editor.
The formulas placed in a separate line are typed with spacing: before a formula 4 pt, after it 4 pt; single line space.
The text in the tables should be typed using a single line space, type “Times New Roman”; body text - 10 pt, indexes - 8 pt, sub-indexes 6 - pt. The numeric heading contains the word “Table” and its number in Arabic figures (without a number sign before them and without a full stop at the end, spacing before is 6 pt, after - 4 pt; right table alignment, light italics). The table width should not exceed 16.5 cm, spacing after it - 6 pt.
The figures in electronic form and inscriptions to them are created by means of Word or other programs (CorelDRAW, Visio, Adobe Illustrator, Excel (submitting the figure original e-form)) in black and white. The resolution of figures and photographs (in .jpeg, .tiff formats) should be not less than 300 dpi. The base lines in figures (unit boundaries and connecting lines on charts, graph lines) should have thickness of 1 pt, auxiliary ones (leader lines, axes, dimension lines) – 0.6 pt. Please, do not put figures in frames or canvas. The description of the figure content as well as symbols introduced in it should be given in the body text of the article. The inscription under the figure contains only its number (type “Times New Roman”, italics, 10 pt) and is placed in the center under the figure (for example, Fig. 1). All the texts and symbols in the figure are typed in 10 pt, indexes in 8 pt, sub-indexes in 6 pt with a single line space; numerical symbols on the leader lines and figure number are given in italics. Lettering of figure fragments (type “Times New Roman”, italics, 10 pt) are placed under the fragment before the numeric heading; in the text the reference to the fragment is placed after the numeric heading separating by comma (for example, fig. 1, а); spacing: before and after the figure - 6 pt.
The figure width should not exceed 16.5 cm.
It is necessary to refer to each figure or table in the article text. Each figure and table should be numbered (e.g.: fig. 1, table 3).