Models of the Person's Speech Behavior in a Situation of Objection (by the Example of English Scientific Discourse)

Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the speech behavior of the person in a situation of objection. Objection is considered to be a leading communicative strategy in case of inconsistency of positions. The author of the article believes that situational models are stored in the addressee's mind, and he plans his speech behavior according to them. Methodology and sources. A comprehensive methodology was used, including general scientific (analysis, systematization, modeling) and specific linguistic methods (contextual analysis, interpretative analysis). The research material includes English-language scientific articles dated 1931-2006 and posted on the Semantic Scholar scientific literature platform. The articles relate to various fields of science (economics, ecology, linguistics, biology, medicine, etc.), so it is possible to show the universality of the tactics and techniques used. The fragments containing an opposite and/or alternative point of view about the present knowledge were selected using a continuous sampling method. Results and discussion. It has been determined that when implementing the communicative strategy of objection, a person tends to use a set of tactics and techniques. The linguistic means of their objectification are defined. It has been established that the speech actions of the objector are usually organized in a certain order. Typical models of speech behavior in the situation of objection are proposed. Conclusion. When expressing an opposite and/or alternative opinion, participants resort to similar communicative actions. The choice and linguistic means of their objectification are determined by the need to comply with the norms of institutional communication.

Authors: Marina Yu. Mironova

Direction: Linguistics

Keywords: scientific discourse, speech behavior, objection, strategy, tactics, model

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