Issue 1 Volume 11, 2025

Contents of the issue

Pages Direction Article title Authors
5-15 Philosophy Reality as a Subject of Scientific Knowledge in the Philosophy of Pierre Duhem Artem V. Yakimenko
16-30 Philosophy Innovations of Contemporary Artificial Intelligence: Value-Based Approach Raisa I. Mamina, Anna V. Ilina
31-40 Philosophy Image of Confrontation in Modern Cinematic Practices about the Space Race Kirill O. Dobronravov
41-51 Sociology Levels of Political Trust among Young People in the Kaliningrad Oblast Mihail I. Krishtal, Polina S. Kolokoltseva
52-70 Sociology Implementation of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Sociological Research Vladimir E. Drach, Yulia V. Torkunova
71-89 Sociology On the Issue of Using the Terms “subject”, “actor”, “discoursant” in the Context of a Sociological Research of Digital Polylogue Maria E. Kudryavtseva, Elena N. Churina
90-102 Sociology Accessible Environment for Young People with Disabilities in St Petersburg: Sociological Analysis Olga A. Novozhilova
103-115 Linguistics The National and Cultural Specifics of the Verbalization of the “Anti-Terrorism Measures” Concept Sphere in English and Russian Linguocultures Irina A. Vezner, Inna V. Lisitsa
116-126 Linguistics Genres Hybridisation as an Author’s Strategy in “Night Film” Novel by M. Pessl Ekaterina B. Kolomeytseva
127-137 Linguistics Pragmatics of Modern German-Language Media Discourse Olga V. Palekhova
138-154 Linguistics Essential Characteristics of Media Political Discourse Nataliia V. Stepanova
155-165 Linguistics Models of the Person's Speech Behavior in a Situation of Objection (by the Example of English Scientific Discourse) Marina Yu. Mironova
166-175 Linguistics Heroic Discourse in the Context of Translating English-Language Fairy Tales into Russian (J.R. Kipling’s Works Used as the Example) Olga V. Atamanova