Compensation as a Means of Proper Names Adaptation to Preserve a Humorous Effect Using the Example of Russian and English Translations of Comics about the Adventures of Asterix

Introduction. The article considers the adaptation of proper names in English and Russian translations of French comics about Asterix. The series of comics is entertaining and relies mainly on non-verbal humor and verbal humor, come out in the symbolism of names. The relevance of the study is associated with the growing number of content in which proper names and the meaning invested in them by the authors are symbolic. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how compensation helps to preserve or, if preservation is impossible, having a different meaning, to convey the effect in a proper name so that the translation fits harmoniously into the text. Methodology and sources. The main research methods are semantic analysis by means of which the semantic content of the name in the original langauage is detrmined, and the comparative method, with the help of which the common properties and differences of proper names in the original and translations are identified, and how compensation helps to compensate for the loss of meaning, if it occurs. The empirical basis of the study was five issues of comics about the adventures of Asterix and their translations into Russian and English. Results and discussion. The most significant examples of proper names are examined in details, which includes: firstly, the linguistic techniques used by the authors of the original texts, and secondly, the decisions made by the translators, which depends both on the nature of the target language (English and Russian) and on the relationships between the image and text. The overwhelming majority of proper names have undergone semantic transformation, due to the impossibility of conveying the semantic content of the name using TL. Transformations were made either with an emphasis on the visual component or the personal qualities of the character. Conclusion. In the comics about Asterix, proper names play a important role, emphasizing the uniqueness of the works and their humorous tone. Considering the large number of comics, the analysis of these categories of language cannot be called comprehensive, but we can highlight the general principle according to which the adaptation took place. Thanks to compensation, the translators managed to maintain this tone, using it when transferring names.

Authors: Dmitrii A. Diachkov

Direction: Linguistics

Keywords: comics, compensation, proper name, humorous effect, Asterix, realities

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