Strategies of identificational behavior may vary. Within trainee divisions of cadet corps these strategies acquire many specific features. This includes strategies of achieving the desired self-identity that can be formed as modified practices of achieving this identity. Therefore, it is important to investigate those social elements and factors that influence the formation of strategies of identificational behavior. Analysis of scientific sources shows that in the strategies of identification behavior elements that make up these strategies can be discussed, which form the stages at which self-identity is reshaped to achieve we-identity. Strategies can be unvoluntary behavioral practices or deliberate actions that allow one to identify oneself with significant social groups. Another aspect of characterizing such strategies lies in transitions from external to internal entities and vice versa, which mark personalization of trainee final identification goals that are essential for studying in cadet corps and for service after graduation. The results of the study of strategies of identification behavior are verified by data obtained from other researchers. Examples of various strategies of identification behavior described in scientific literature are shown.
Authors: P. P. Deryugin, S. V. Panov, S. V. Kurapov
Direction: Sociological Research
Keywords: Identification, identificational behavior, behavior strategies, identification strategies, cadet corps trainees, elements of identificational strategies, stages of identification, identification research principles, aspects of trainee identification, modified identification
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