Currently, in many industrial enterprises the organizational structure of management is formed empirically and is based on formalization and documentation of links established between the units and the set of functions performed by them. Such organizational structures are not efficient or mobile enough in the conditions of economic, industrial and technological transformation. Often they present a constraint to further development of the enterprise. The article reviews the features of modernization of organizational structures of industrial enterprises, as well as the requirements for the design of such structures. Modern methods and approaches to projecting organizational management structures are defined. The article also focuses on possible options of modernizing of organizational management structures of industrial enterprises based on balancing centralisation and decentralisation, outsourcing and reorganizing core business units into subsidiaries.
Authors: I. G. Fomina
Direction: Economics and National Economy Management
Keywords: Organizational structure, modernization, management system, enterprise development strategy, restructuring, centralization and decentralization of management, headcount
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