The article analyzes the features of discourse communicative structure and clarifies its potential in the development of humanistic ideals. The humanistic ideal is analyzed in the modern social space in the communicative-praxeological aspect of subject-subject relations. We can conclude that the practice of philosophical discourse of the ХХ century is characterized by the emphasis on the independence and primacy of humanistic ideals in relation to social phenomena and events. It has been determined that the most powerful impact of humanistic ideals on individual and society is caused by applying the provisions and postulates of practical communicative ethics. In the current context, the humanizing effect of discourse can be formed on the basis of inter-subjectivity and personal responsibility principles realization. These principles define communicative behavior in such a way that the strategy of argumentation in discourse is aimed at achieving the humanistic ideal from the very beginning. The humanistic ideal that is institutionalized in communicative discourse can be viable only when realized at the everyday level of communication of an individual.
Authors: D. O. Kviatkovskyi
Direction: Philosophical Sciences
Keywords: Ideal, subject, humanistic ideal, responsibility, freedom, justice, communication, norm, dialogue, discourse
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