In the article the intellectualized activity types, which we defined as creative and collaborative, are investigated. Not intellectualized type which is mainly characterized by willfulness is excluded in this case. The semantic volume of this typology is examined by some examples and the development of cultural events is claimed to follow the way of mechanistic constructs and further replacement of live energies with robotic objects which can finally replace contradictory and emotionally unstable human essence with quite unambiguous management processes and designing. That causes fierce resistance in the strategies of the life scenario which suggest moving in the opposite way and looking for answers not by means of modelling future, but by reconstructing the past. The analogy between cultural scenarios and physical processes which shows their theoretical isotropy is assumed.

Authors: O. S. Borisov

Direction: Philosophical Sciences

Keywords: Activity types, implicit and explicit reality, construction of the truth, reconstruction (regulation of desires), deconstruction, causality, acausality, metaphysical construct and physical constructions

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